Monday, August 22, 2011

Grown Up

When toddlers say 'I'm a big boy/girl now!' after doing something such as going poop in the potty for the first time, they aren't necessarily automatically older. I know I should be proud of them, but even adults do that. They think that once they realize something big they're wiser. Older. But no.
I believe growing up and getting older and two different things. Growing up means you know something more than you did. About life, not some random fact like 'Mosquitoes have 47 teeth.' Something big. About the way people act. Getting older is more physical than mental. I used to do this blog for fun. Because I was bored. Wanted to know what the big deal about blogging was. But now I want to spread my knowledge about life with people. Not that I know anything about life. No one does. Scientist put names on all the parts of the brain that control love and feelings. But your brain doesn't control that. I'm not going to be cheesy and say your heart does either. Your heart controls your breathing not love. I believe that your soul does not control your feelings but rather store them in it. I think a soul is a just air that has presence in it. The feelings are clear air too. I'm not sure so don't leave all your trust on this idea. The soul is stored in a pocket in your body, released when you die. The pocket is empty. The soul is not an object. And if you sell your soul to the devil, you can still feel and love. You just feel empty without your soul. This is just what I believe. Don't listen to me. I'm not christian either so don't think that.
I don't believe your brain controls love because think of it.
Love is the most powerful thing on the planet. It can't be some scientific thing run by a little 3 pound lump of tubes.
Don't ask me about love. I've never felt it. I've felt rejection though. Before I did I would wonder why people thought being rejected was such a big deal. But then when the person I love loved someone else I knew why.
The reason I felt so horrible was because I thought 'Why them? I'm much better than that girl. So mean and gross and ugly and sloppy. I'm beautiful. No. I'm not beautiful enough for him. I'm ugly and horrible and a total bitch to everyone I know.' But the truth is people, if a person doesn't like you for who you are, they'd treat you bad in the first place and you'd be miserable with them.
I probably will end up promising to write in this everyday, but don't believe me.
I'm too busy being stupid with my life.